Friday 10 February 2012

Setting goals and challenges for myself

I have been getting on the treadmill every morning, early if I have to go to work or a bit later if it is my RDO and even though at first it was hard to reach the 30 minutes at even a low speed, now it is getting easy even at a much higher speed. I am not running, I am walking as fast as I can, I do not want to wear out my joints any more than I have too. I will run at some stage but I have to weigh a lot and I mean a lot less first before that will happen. 

I use this app called Nike+ ( see the link in the top bar) which calculates, calories burnt, steps taken, pace, distance and time. It also lets you set your own personal goals and challenges.. some even to beat your own personal record. It lets you listen to your own music and all in all, it is an awesome and extremely useful app.

I am going to be off next week so I am hoping to be able to do some cycling at the Regatta Centre, if not it will be Jamison Park again but as I found out the other day, losing calories is a lot more fun outside and on the bike ;)

At the end of next week we will go on a short break so I won't be able to go on the treadmill but apparently the beach is right near where we are staying so I am hoping for actual beachwalks of longer than half an hour, so I am really looking forward to that.

I am winning already, I got some clothes out that did not fit me anymore which now fit me again, my workpants need to be replaced because even on the tightest fit, they are starting to fall of me. I am so SO stoked about that, it is an incentive to keep on going and push even harder and that is where the bike comes into the equation as well. Anyway, enough for today, thank you for reading and see you again at the next blog :)

I have been getting on the treadmill every morning, early if I have to go to work or a bit later if it is my RDO and even though at first it was hard to reach the 30 minutes at even a low speed, now it is getting easy even at a much higher speed. I am not running, I am walking as fast as I can, I do ...

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