Sunday 12 February 2012

Max To The Max

Well, today marked the first of the slightly longer rides, together with Emma (who got kicked off the bike for one lap by Beth!) we rode our first training session :) The ultimate goal of it will be for me to be able to ride to and from work and the plan will be that on the way home from work I will do 30 minutes around Jamison again. Reason? Sharon works till 1800 and I only until 1700 so if I do that, we will probably arrive sort of at the same time at home.

We had a lot of fun today, I really really forgot how much fun bike riding actually is and I am almost ashamed of that because being Dutch, it is in our blood! Hell, there are 3 times more bikes in Holland than there are people for crying out loud!

Anyway, this was another murmur, tired but satisfied, I will talk to you all again soon :)

Well, today marked the first of the slightly longer rides, together with Emma (who got kicked off the bike for one lap by Beth!) we rode our first training session :) The ultimate goal of it will be for me to be able to ride to and from work and the plan will be that on the way home from work I will ...

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