Monday 27 February 2012

Another 12 days, another 6.8kg

The hard work of  the last 12 days has paid off, I was a little dubious due to the fact that we went away as well and had Emma's birthday in between but keeping the working out going, it has worked out fine. Tomorrow I am going to see Dr. Champion, the Endicronologist and to be honest, I am not really looking forward to it. Mainly due to the fact that I actually do not know what he is going to do, or not do for that matter.
Last Sunday I actually rode home from work on the bike for the first time and that was awesome, I canot wait to be able to ride to and from work every day. Yesterday, I walked home from work for the first time and I made it! Something I did not think I was going to be able to do a little while ago.
Still dieting of course, keeping things moderate, saying no to things I never even thought twice of in the past. Yesterday evening, I came to a horrible and absolutely shocking realisation. Even though I can still have the Dutch Cheese Fondue, I cannot actually have it on something because the fondue is eaten by dipping little pieces of bread in the cheese stew. I am gutted lol
So, I will report here after I have been to Dr. Champion tomorrow, wish me luck !

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