Tuesday 14 February 2012

First Time More Than 10K!

Today we drove down to the Regatta Centre, however, due to flooding the bicycle paths were closed off. Now that was a bummer, because I remember from in Holland I used to love riding alongside the water, it shaves off a couple of decimals of temperature ;)

Anyway, went back to Jamison Park and had another great ride with Emma and Beth. It is quite funny how long the lap around Jamison Park actually is, because it does not look big at all. I would like to be able to do at least 20k in an hour within the month or so. Once I start riding from and to work as well the workouts will come almost automatically. 

I feel better than I have in a long long time to be honest, not that I felt bad but now that I feel better than I did I know that something was not right before my episode over the Christmas time.

I sure have a long way to go though but steady as she goes and I will get there, I am 100% confident :)


Today we drove down to the Regatta Centre, however, due to flooding the bicycle paths were closed off. Now that was a bummer, because I remember from in Holland I used to love riding alongside the water, it shaves off a couple of decimals of temperature ;) Anyway, went back to Jamison Park and had a ... http://the-diabetes-adventure.posterous.com/first-time-more-than-10k

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