Thursday 29 March 2012

Another 7.2 kgs down, a few more to go ;)

Ok, 7.2KGS lost in the last 3 weeks, totalling just over 35kgs in total now. Needless to say that I am stoked with that. I still have a long way to go but I am getting there slowly but surely.
It has been a while since I blogged on here, mainly due to time restraints. I am really trying to make it a point of exercising every single day and eating as healthy and little as I possibly am allowed by my apps I use.
MyNetDiary is the main food app that I use and the great thing about this particular app is that it tells you what you can eat and will not allow you to lose more than 2kgs a week, which is the healthy amount. This is includes the fear of most people who are on a diet of putting it back on when the target has been reached. Once I do reach the target it will revert to a setting called 'Maintain Weight' and well.. that does exactly what it says it does.
In the next couple of weeks I will start putting my rides on the bike on here as well to get this going a little bit more but for the moment, this will have to do. 

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