Tuesday 7 February 2012

iDiabetes ...

Life as a diabetic is a lot easier now I reckon than it was say 25 years ago. All the small devices that we carry around like the phones, pads and other gadgets serve as databanks instead of the pieces of paper or little books that a diabetic would use in the past to write down their BSL results etc.

An app I have been using since I was diagnosed has been MyNetDiary, absolutely brilliant little app to control your daily intake of.. well.. crap really lol


Basically how it works is: you put in what you eat and it will tell you all information that is needed for you to know using a point system whether or not to actually eat it, or how much of it, or not at all. 

On my travels of the Net I also ran into this particular very interesting video, worth a watch if you are interested. It really confirmed my personal feelings of being able to live and thrive with diabetes, rather than becoming someone who cannot do anything else other than complain.

thrivingwithdiabetesbroadband.wmv Watch on Posterous

 In a couple of weeks from now, I will have to go back to the Educator, who originally actually told me the wrong thing about one of my medications, the dietician and a chap called Dr. Champion, who will do .. things lol Tomorrow we will need to make some appointments for some eye and feet specialists just for checkups and well, that is it then.

To be quite honest, when all is said and done, I feel better than I have in a very very long time, so if I have to go through all of the above, so be it, darn easy choice, that is for sure :)



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