Monday 13 February 2012

Am I The Biggest Loser ? ( Shut Up Aaron )

At some point in time I actually watched an episode or two of the Biggest Loser and such shows. It seems that those shows put an emphasis on going hard, missing out on things and so forth.
I have now come to the conclusion that you probably have to do the above if you want to lose the amount of weight they need to lose for that show. However, it does give the wrong impression to people who are watching it that it has to be a "go, go go, shut up bitch, work' sort of scenario.
On the contrary, I actually do not feel I have been missing out, I have not been going incredibly hard, I have just been doing my own thing, eating regularly, excercising regularly, going out for dinner, doing normal things really but in moderation.
I really believe that that is the key word of dieting, moderation in everything and the weight has been dropping of me like nothing else. I actually am flabbergasted by how it has been going.
I tried those bars and shakes and what not that you can buy, all I can say is, fuck that shit! I would rather have only half a sandwich of something I really like than a bowl full of soy shit that I do not like lol
I am not losing the amount of weight those people on those shows do, but in my own little world I am .. the biggest .. (go on say it)

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