Thursday 26 April 2012

Gone With The Wind ... 10.2kgs That Is

Another 3 weeks and a bit have passed and another 10.2kgs has disappeared on top of my other total. To say that I am more than happy with this result is an understatement to be sure. Today I also went to the eye doctor and my eyes do not have bleeds to the back of them so that was great news too. I have not reached a plateau yet it seems but I am afraid it will come, so as of next week I will be changing my workout regime by riding to work only on Sunday, also riding the bike on my days off, Wednesday and Thursday and the other days I will be going to the gym for some working out on the good old muscles and abs and all the other stuff that needs, well, tightening ;) Really looking forward to it but yes, a total loss of 45kg in 3 months and a bit.. I am very very happy :)